Posts Tagged ‘ analog photo ’

La Conquista de América/ The American conquer Collages

Digital Collages. Footage Video. A casual discovery of old slides with images taken in different countries from the Caribbean and South America triggered questions, memories, documentation, and the construction of different narratives around a common Cold War politics that affected Latin America and its inhabitants with similar results and lasting consequences.These collages are part of the first video, about Puerto Rico.

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February 20th, 2024

Analogue Times

From that time when I carried a camera… And spent hours and hours in the darkroom. And I used to go to the shopping arcades in downtown Santiago, to look for films, papers, and chemicals. Talking about analog photography is like talking about archaeology. It’s worth mentioning that it was – and in some corner of my heart, it still is – a passion inherited from my father. From him, I learned to handle Zenits and that precious Praktica that I inherited and accompanied me for so long. Because you would get the feel of the camera, and you learned to recognize its creaks and sounds. And the darkroom equipment I brought from the Czech Republic, in a backpack that traveled a good part of Europe. That’s another story. If you didn’t end up dizzy with the smell of D19, you know nothing about photography. I’m talking about a time that no longer exists. I still have my unusual taste for coarse grain. Did you know there was an ISO

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September 27th, 2023
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