Posts Tagged ‘ digitall collage ’

La Conquista de América/ The American conquer Collages

Digital Collages. Footage Video. A casual discovery of old slides with images taken in different countries from the Caribbean and South America triggered questions, memories, documentation, and the construction of different narratives around a common Cold War politics that affected Latin America and its inhabitants with similar results and lasting consequences.These collages are part of the first video, about Puerto Rico.

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February 20th, 2024

The artist known as

Video and photo collage, 2023

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September 28th, 2023

AI Dark Mother

Digital Collage in collaboration with AI Image Creator (Stable Inpainting v2.0), 2023 Collaboration for the III Encuentro de Artistas Madres

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September 28th, 2023

De lo que no tiene lugar

Digital Collage Serie, 2022

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September 28th, 2023

Nuestra señora del Aseo

Digital Collage, Digital Photo 2023 Colaboration for the fanzine Mala Leche / Chispa Edition.

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September 28th, 2023

The Contusion Serie

Digital Collage Serie, 2022 I’ve been working slowly on these collages, based on photos I’ve been taking during the transition from summer to autumn in the city. Here, the autumn light has a quality that still surprises and fascinates me. I’ve kept the process of writing, like a diary, documenting how I’m feeling and basic things I’ve done. If I don’t do it, I completely lose track of my existence. The name of this series is “The Contusion” because it’s related to the fundamental questions of existence, the ones characters in soap operas always ask themselves once they regain consciousness after a blow: “Who am I? Where am I?”

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September 28th, 2023

Mamá Astronauta/Astronaut Mom

Visual research project.La Serena, Chile 2019- Charlottesville, USA, 2022.Part 1: Serie 6 digital collages and 3 digital video collages.Part 2 (Landing): Digital video, installation, Performance, and public engagement device. Astronaut Mom” started as a game between my kids and me during the worst and most isolating part of the COVID pandemic. My older son and I took a serie of photographs using a toy astronaut helmet. Eventually, these games formed a collection of poorly focused, low-resolution, and crazy images, which became a way of poetic resistance, helping me to reframe the most difficult moments of my life as a mother. Through these pictures, I could reflect and begin a path to healing traumatic experiences related to obstetric violence, postpartum depression, and lonely, isolated maternity. Simultaneously, I could connect with the experiences of other moms and open the narrative. <<Mamá Astronauta__Digital Collages>> <<Mamá Astronauta__ Video Digital Collages>> <<Astronaut Mom__Landing>>Digital Video Astronaut Mom__Landing is the final chapter of the visual and collaborative investigation that concludes the “Astronaut Mom” series. Upon arriving in

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September 27th, 2023

Pandemic Collages and Videos

Before I left college, I was convinced that I could never become a visual artist. It took me 15 years and the COVID pandemic to make me realize that I truly needed it, genuinely enjoyed it, and that it didn’t matter whether I was good or not. Long story short, thanks to the opportunity provided by Marcela Villanueva and Karne Kunst, I returned to experimenting with images and developed a means of expression that I continue to nurture. These were my initial attempts and a way to reconnect with my visual language using the tools at my disposal. Also, working deeply submerged in the motherhood, this images start to build my next project.

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September 27th, 2023
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